The Chamber's Economic Development Committee invites you for an informational presentation on Norton plan for the MBTA Zoning. Questions, thought, concerns are welcome.
Please RSVP for planning purposes
The Town of Norton is required to comply with the Commonwealth’s MBTA Communities Multi-Family Zoning requirement. This initiative requires Norton to adopt one zoning district which allows multi-family by right—not by special permit approval. The Norton Planning Board is working to write the bylaw language and place the district on the zoning map ahead of the May 19 Town Meeting vote. Come here a presentation by Norton’s Planning Director, Paul DiGiuseppe, who wants to hear your questions, concerns and aspirations. Paul will cover what is being proposed, the benefits of the district and repercussions should we not comply.
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
Norton Town Hall in the Crane Room
Kara Griffin
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