You are invited to a Multi Chamber Networking event at Plainridge Park Casino - "It's opening Day" - come on out and check out the venue and network with other like-minded professionals from 7 area Chambers! Delicious apps and a cash bar will be available. The betting windows will be open if you want to try your luck.
Monday, April 14th from 5-7pm
Members $15 / Non-Members $25
Participating Chambers:
Tri-Town Chamber of Commerce
Cranberry Country Chamber of Commerce
Metro South Chamber of Commerce
Neponset River Regional Chamber
United Regional Chamber of Commerce
Taunton Area Chamber of Commerce
Walpole Chamber
Do you want your business to shine? 10 Racing Sponsorships available for this Multi Chamber Event secure a Racing VIP Sponsor Package deadline April 7
Sponsor Receives:
Ad Displayed on Infield Video Board (Local & National Exposure)